New member form

We look forward to welcoming you to the Friends! Please complete the membership form below and follow the payment instructions once you have submitted.

Membership type

Your title

First name

Last name


Phone number

How did you hear about us?

Privacy Act Declaration

I understand that the information I have provided will be used for the purposes of the organisation’s administration and membership benefits. The Privacy Act gives me the right to access this information and to correct if necessary. I understand that photos of FOHC functions and events that include members may be used for the Friends newsletter, website or social networks to promote the Friends, and I will advise the organisation if I do not wish for my image to be published.


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Annual memberships run from 1 July-30 June.

Please pay your annual or life membership Friends subscription via online banking:

Account: Friends of the Hocken Collections
Account number: 03 0903 0393175 00
Particulars: Membership type
Reference: Your name

If you have any queries and/or need a receipt please email [email protected]